GUIDED Meditation Practices
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“Between the stimulus and the response, there is a pause.
Within in that pause lies our power, our strength and our freedom”
~ Viktor Frankl

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    • 9/1/24

    Meditation | Peace is Always Present

    You can connect with any energy or mood you are seeking, whenever you want. Using a visualization technique and the energy of peace, allow me to guide you and help you to bring your awareness to a peace that is here, now, in the present moment.

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    • 2/1/25

    Meditation | What's Your Plan B?

    When you think about it, whenever we work with Plan B, we are using the practice of acceptance. Many of us think of Plan B, as something last minute, frenetic, something we usually don't want to do, but have to do it because, what we wanted to do, Plan A, just isn't going to work. And most of us would not associate meditation with moving to Plan B.

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    • 12/30/24

    Meditation | Intention

    We very often to set an intention when we meditate. I like to invite my students to not set an intention for each meditation, as we practice, but rather set an intention for why we practice overall. At a time when so many are setting resolutions, I prefer to set an intention, not only for a long term, but as a means to make me a better person. This practice is a great practice for the new year but can also be practiced at any time.

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    Meditation | Enchantment

    I like to think of enchantment as a practice of taking mindfulness one step further. Mindfulness invites us to be present; to be aware of our surroundings, our inner body, our emotions and our thoughts. Practicing enchantment along with mindfulness, invites us to be more mindful to all those little things we tend to look past or miss, but that do delight us when we notice them.

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    Meditation | Settling During the Holidays

    Using a visualization of setting down a shaken snow globe, connect with the essence of settling and becoming still. The perfect practice to move away from whatever might be agitating or unsettling you during the Holiday season.

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    Meditation | Uncertainty is the Only Certainty

    When we are moving through uncertainty, it is important to remember that we must work with uncertainty, rather that struggle against it.

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    • 10/13/24

    Meditation | There is Always Light

    Faith is the bird who feels the light, and sings, when the dawn is still dark. ~ S R Tragore

    Years ago my mother read this quote to me in one of my darkest times. It resonated so deeply with me that I have regularly used it as my meditation and to remind myself that there is always light ... always.

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    Meditation | Decompress

    When we feel emotions like anger, frustration, agitation, and anxiety, we often feel like they are building up to the point of explosion or implosion. We can use our meditation to decompress ourselves, releasing the bulk of these energies, and then gaining the clarity to see our part in them and how we can change that.

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    • 9/22/24

    Meditation | Invoking the Power of Love

    Sometimes, the world around us can feel crazy, unsettled and unkind. We sometimes wonder if the practices and the work that we do through our meditations is all for naught. This practice comes from the tenets of meditation and is one that I turn to when the negativity of the information that constantly flows toward me eels like too much. I invite you to sit with me and truly feel the power of love.

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    Meditation | A Walking Meditation

    Have you ever considered walking for your meditation? We all know that being out in nature can be very calming ... for that matter walking just about anywhere can be calming.

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    • 8/18/24

    Meditation | Practicing with the Breath

    In meditation, the breath is one of the most powerful tools you have. Whether you are looking to center, find peace, settle down, connect to strength or trying to fall asleep, the breath, which is always available, is the perfect go to technique.

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    • 8/11/24

    Meditation | The Opposite of Fear


    In a world where we tend to categorize everything as eithe good or bad or black or white, we get stuck in thinking fear has only one opposite, courage or strength. In your meditation today, I invite you to consider and meditate on other opposites; wisdom, stillness, clarity and more and how to reconnect with these qualities.

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    • 8/4/24

    NEW MEDITATION | The Space Between the Breaths

    This has long been one of my favorite meditations to both teach and practice. Using our breath as our technique in meditation practices can truly enhance our practice. In this practice, The Space Between the Breaths, we find a deep inner stillness and quietness through our meditation. Please enjoy.

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    Meditation | Allow Yourself to Be Human

    Allowing yourself to be human is one if the most empowering choices you can make. And meditation is the perfect space to begin that practice.

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    • 7/18/23

    Meditation | Grounding and Rooting Down

    When the root is deep, there is no reason to fear the wind.
    ~ African Proverb

    Join me for this grounding meditation, as we root down into the energy of our foundation and find balance with the energies of our thoughts and our emotions.

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    • 7/6/24

    Meditation | Calming the Turbulence

    The vast blue sky, concealed by storm clouds is theme that is often used in meditations and visualizations. We must think of our mind and our true essence like the vast blue sky and those things that unsettle us, as the storm clouds that sometimes conceal our vastness and true essence.

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    Meditation | That Speck of Dirt

    Have you ever sat somewhere and noticed a speck of dirt on the floor, or dust on the shelf? And your mind wouldn’t let you stop thinking about it? What about remembering an insult you received last week, or last month or last year or overthinking an upcoming event or appointment? They are all specks of dirt, aren’t they? Meditate with me and let the speck of dirt go.

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    • 6/18/24

    Meditation | The Flame of a Candle

    Using an actual candle or simply an image of candle in your mind's eye, sit and watch the aliveness of the flame of your candle. Observe all the colors and parts of the flame and, as you settle and become more still, watch the flame move into stillness as well.

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    • 6/9/24

    Meditation | Letting Go or Letting Be

    The distractions that come up in our meditations often center around challenges we are currently facing in life, whether they are self-inflicted or have arisen from circumstances beyond on our control. In this space of clarity and intuitive thought, we can more rationally approach the distractions/challenges or know whether we need to let go or let be.

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    Meditation | Inner Shelter

    The true purpose of meditation is for us to go within and connect to our inner shelter and the qualities of peace, calm, stillness, comfort, strength and much more.

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    • 4/14/24

    Meditation | Stability in Surrender

    The theme of surrender or letting go is a common one in meditative practices. Learning to recognize that over which we have control and surrendering to that over which we do not have control is a key practice to living with less struggle.

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    • 4/4/24

    Meditation | Deep Relaxation and Clearing Space

    Today, take the time to do some important deep relaxation and clearing of your inner space. We all need to take time each day to relax ... it is vital to our health and mental wellbeing.

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    Meditation | Your Perception is Your Reality

    How you perceive events, relationships, experiences, etc., that happen in your life, usually comes from your habits. If you habitually see the negative in these moments, then your reality becomes negativity. Join me in a meditative practice in which we begin to change our habit to one of positivity and begin to change our reality.

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    • 1/7/24

    Meditation | Settle Away from Struggle

    This simple, yet powerful, practice will help you use your exhale to balance your energy and settle away from struggle.

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    Meditation | Returning to the Source

    Sit and breathe with me as we go within ourselves and reconnect with the peace, calm and love and compassion of who we truly are.

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    • 7/25/23

    Meditation | Change Your Thoughts

    Join me today as we choose to give our mental energy to a visualization, which helps us to bring peace and calm into the present moment. Be aware of how your thoughts make you feel. If you don't like it, change your thoughts.

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    • 6/20/23

    Meditation | What Do You Really See?

    Join me for this practice of presence and mindfulness as I guide you to what you really see when you close your eyes and how calming and soothing that can be.

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    Meditation | Journey to the Subtle Body

    When we connect with our subtle body (the level of soul, that sense of aliveness within us), we feel a deep sense of peace and stillness. We also connect with our true knowing and wisdom. Join me on a meditative journey to the level of the subtle body.

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    • 4/27/23

    Meditation | The Dristi (Focal Point

    In meditation, we always try to use a focal point in our practice. Whether that be the breath we focus on, a mantra or even a breath technique. Today, let's use an actual focal point using our sense of sight.

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    • 2/3/23

    Meditation | Balance, Stability, and Contentment

    Connecting to your centered, middle ground in meditation is essential to moving through life from a place of sustainable contentment and stability.

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    • 10/9/22

    Meditation | Deep Relaxation

    Sometimes, the best thing for you would be to settle down and get some deep relaxation. For this meditation practice, sit back or lie down and let me guide you into a state of deep relaxation within your own being.

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    Meditation | Being in the Moment with Feeling Overwhelmed

    Meditate on being with feelings of being overwhelmed. When we resist feelings and sensations of being overwhelmed, we actually create more struggle and difficulty in the situation. Breathe and be with these feelings and sensations and move away from the struggle.

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    Meditation | Simply Being

    Life is so busy any more and we spend so much of our time 'doing' to the extent that we find ourselves 'doing' our meditation. Today, take the opportunity to let go of the doing and simply be in your meditation. (Note: the meditation practice begins at 3:30)

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    Meditation | Back to Basics

    Join me today as we go back to basics with our meditation; the breath. While there are an infinite number of meditation techniques available to us, turning to the breath is at the heart of meditation and, to effectively practice meditation, we need only turn to the breath as our meditation, nothing more

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    • 6/12/22

    Meditation | The Peace in Silence

    One of my favorite inspirational quotes for meditation comes from Max Ehrman's Desiderata - "Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence." For me, this inspirational quote sums up why I meditate and how I want to take my meditations beyond my practices and into my whole life.

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    Meditation | A Practice of Presence and Mindfulness

    Practice presence in your meditation today. Not to simply notice what is present around you, but notice what is present within you and be attentive and mindful to how you feel as you continue through your meditation practice.

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    Meditation | Mindfulness from the Heartspace

    In Buddhism, the word for mind and heart is the same word, citta. When we practice mindfulness, we are therefore, invited to be present from both our mind and heart.

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    Meditation | De-Stress and Relax

    Meditate to de-stress and relax the physical body and let that de-stress and relax your emotional and mental bodies as well.

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    A Meditation | Creating Sacred Space

    Be present to all that is here with you in your practice. Then, be very selective as to where you give your awareness and your attention, only giving it to those energies that best serve you.

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    Meditation | Letting Go of Strain

    Today we practice letting go of strain. When we move into strain, we are usually trying to change or fix someone or something over which we have not control. We can only change ourselves and how we respond to or move through any situation. But even that can create strain.

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    Meditation | Breathing to Cleanse

    Breathing techniques can help us to feel calmer, more balanced, less cluttered and much more. In today's meditation, we use alternate nostril breathing to to both cleanse and balance our body.

Waiver of Liability: In practicing any of the above classes, you agree that you have taken all necessary steps to ascertain that you are in good health and able to perform all yoga or pilates exercises which you are to learn and perform during any of your online enrollments with Wellness with Brigitte. You agree that you understand that yoga and pilates are physical practices and you are responsible for your own well-being during classes. You agree that, as you are responsible for your own health, you will not hold Brigitte Yancy, Wellness with Brigitte or Brigitte Yancy International, LLC., responsible for any injuries you may suffer, caused whole or in part by your failure to heed instruction. You also agree that you understand and acknowledge that you are to receive instruction in Yoga and Pilates theory and exercises only, and you will not hold Brigitte Yancy, Wellness with Brigitte or Brigitte Yancy International, LLC., to any higher standard of care than that applicable to Yoga and Pilates theory and exercises.

Cancellation Policy: You may cancel your subscription at any time. Unless otherwise noted, refunds will not issued. Upon cancellation, you will have access to your subscription through the end of the current billing period and will not be billed for the following billing period. Any refunds given shall be entirely within the discretion of Brigitte Yancy, Wellness with Brigitte and Brigitte Yancy, Intl, LLC. READ OUR FULL CANCELLATION POLICY